According to Joe's report, Fischer was a dream patient, and he was very still and cooperative as they glued his owie shut (no stitches).
Two days later, it was healing so well, I thought I'd better get a photo for the blog before it was gone altogether! It's above his left eye...
On Friday 9/10, I headed up to Tomahawk to visit with Nate, Frances, Josiah and Dane, as well as Grandpa Ken and Grace. On Saturday, I had a girlfriend's baby shower to go to--it was so fun to see my Tomahawk girlfriends again all in one place!
On the way there, I didn't have to drive with the setting sun in my eyes (yay!), as the sun was setting high in the clouds. I DID, however, spot a rainbow!! It's vertical in the middle of the clouds...
As the sun set, another appeared on the opposite side of the sun, too! (this one's a bit harder to see)
Here's the first one I saw again, just to the right of the center of the pic. It was so cool!!!
Well, Fischer's owie got infected under the darn glue. It was looking great, but then later that first weekend, it got red and angry looking, and developed some white gunk under the glue. I took this pic with the intention of e-mailing Dr. Hoyer to ask if he needed to be seen. They called me back and wanted to see him that very afternoon (exactly 1 week after his incident). Dr. Hoyer scraped a tweezers along the surface of the glue until it cracked, and she was able to clean it out with a Q-tip. She left it open, and prescribed oral antibiotics and a topical ointment to help it heal.
She said that glue vs. stitches is always with the desire of minimizing the risk of scarring, and that she couldn't guarantee whether he'd have a scar or not, "But it'll add to his sex appeal," she said!
Fischer ended up getting an itchy rash from his antibiotics, but he was already 5 days into them and his owie was healing nicely. They had us take him off the Cephalexin and the first ointment, and prescribed a different ointment to use for a few days. This weekend, 9/25, the last of the glue peeled away, and a little pink indent is all that's left of his eyebrow owie. Not sure if it'll scar, but it's certainly not causing him anymore grief.
On Sunday, 9/19, we took Fischer to Luxemburg, WI to my stampin' friend Sherry's house. She and her family grow pumpkins, and it was time for their annual sale.
Fischer didn't care to explore the pumpkins themselves, too much. Sherry has a huge yard, and my boys enjoyed tossing a football around and Fischer pretty much RAN the whole time we were there!
I did get him to slow down and wave for this shot!
Finally, as our time there was winding down, Joe had to capture Fischer and put him up for a shoulder ride to get him to the car.
Fischer has pooped a couple of times on the toilet at daycare, but he hasn't done it since then (it was once on 9/16 and twice on 9/17). He sings along with songs, now, and even can sing his ABCs! Check out youtube for his latest video (if it's not available on the side of our blog in the Fisch Finder, put Fischer Spiering into a search on youtube to find his ABC video).
As far as my pregnancy, I'm doing great! I'm 17 weeks in this picture, and just starting to pop out a bit. I'm not nearly as exhausted as I was with Fischer (chalk it up to much better fitness level this time around), even though the first trimester could be described as a 3-month hangover... I'm feeling baby move more and more these days. Our ultrasound is scheduled for October 20th, when I'll be 20 weeks 2 days along. NO, we're not finding out the baby's sex. We're just finding out that s/he's healthy and on track with her/his development :)
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