Friday morning, we took of headed for Milwaukee. We spent the HOT morning at the zoo together.
Some of the animals were not moving around so much because it was so hot, and others, we didn't get a chance to see....probably because they could hang out in air conditioning.

The flamingos were very quiet and still...but very pretty!
Fischer really enjoyed a ride with me on the sky cars that take you above the zoo. While on the sky ride, we spotted several animals we wanted to get a closer look at once we were on foot again. Here's a big rhino!
There were 3 giraffes at the zoo. One (in this pic, most of his body is hidden) had faded spots on his back and rump. It almost looked like he'd been bleached! Fischer really liked the giraffes, but we didn't have an opportunity to feed them like we did at the N.E.W. Zoo outside Green Bay.
By the end of our day at the zoo, we had seen lots of animals and the heat had really tuckered both of us out. Fischer was a great sport about cruising in his stroller. I thought we could both use a break from walking (and riding) and took 20 minutes to see the seal & sealion show. Fischer was VERY restless at this point, and to behonest, they did an awful lot of talking and fewer tricks than we'd expected. It was worth seeing, but not worth struggling with an impatient boy! The trainers were very sweet with their animals. As I was struggling to keep Fischer near me, I can't remember if this is a seal or sealion, but she's deaf, so her trainer uses a special kind of sign language to communcate with her. The other trainers used a clicker and some hand signals with their animals.
Friday after the zoo, we met up with Jess at her house, where Fischer took a nap and I got to relax after being on my feet all morning (I'm pregnant, remember!). The 3 of us went out for dinner at the Cheesecake Factory--yum--and Jess got the biggest kick out of Fischer and all the funny things he says :)
Because we were in the arrivals section and not the departures, we didn't get to see any airplanes taking off, as we would've liked. But Fischer, here in his new giraffe t-shirt from the zoo, didn't mind, as it was all new surroundings to him!
He waited ever so patiently, and for the most part, was well-occupied people watching and playing around on the seats with me. I could've curled up and taken a nap!
What a ham! Not long after I took these pics, Verena and Eric walked up earlier than expected. Yay!
Our first night together in Chicago, we arrived at the Patons' house and got settled. Because we were all tired, we just decided to go to the grocery store and make dinner together at home. We made a fantastic lasagna that wasn't ready until after 8pm (lasagna takes awhile), but it was no less delicious for the wait!
Later we drove about 20 minutes to Winnetka Beach (Winnetka is where the Paton kids' grandparents live, and where Verena drove the older two girls to preschool several times a week) to spend some time on the sand--the Lake Michigan water was freezing!

The next morning, we took off early to drive from Jess' in Milwaukee to O'Hare airport outside of Chicago. We had to pick up my German sister, Verena and her boyfriend Eric. Eric was at the end of his grad studies in California, and Verena had been travelling in the U.S. visiting friends. Both of them were coming in from California to spend some time in Chicago before heading back to Deutschland. Verena spent a year as an au pair (nanny) for a family in Chicago (the Patons). While she lived with them, she and I got to visit each other often. The Patons had just been for a visit with Verena's family in Germany, and the mom and 3 daughters were at a summer camp in northern Wisconsin at this time. The dad (Chris), said it was alright if the 4 of us stayed at the house and made ourselves at home during our time in Chi-Town--how nice!!!
This cool, colorful glass wall greeted us as we walked from the parking garage to the baggage terminal where we waited for Verena and Eric. There was a man at the far end of the hall singing and playing an electronic keyboard, so music was echoing, too. When we turned the corner and saw and heard it all, Fischer said, "Oh, wow!"

Fischer enjoyed a foosball game the Patons had on top of their coffee table and played with it every time we were at the house ("Play soccer!). They also had a nice selection of Disney movies to help keep him occupied when we were cooking or otherwise needed him to be "good."
Our first full day in Chicago, we began with breakfast at a local place (I think it was Georgie V's) that Chris recommended. Other than a very long wait, and Fischer getting pretty antsy (we all were feeling impatient!), the food was very good.

Fischer loved the sand and really didn't want to stay out of the water despite the fact that it was so chilly. It was a good time, and we had a very sandy boy when it was time to go! (look at his legs in this pic!)
On Monday, August 9th, we were off to the city! It was Fischer's first trainride (20 minutes from Northbrook where the Patons live into Chicago). He sat so nicely for the first half-hour or so, and then we had to get creative to keep him from running around for the last 15 min-half hour. The train stopped multiple times on the way, and I told him we were picking up more people. Every time the train would take off again, he'd say, "Choo-choo! All aboard!" So cute!
Here's where Verena and Eric were helping occupy him the last leg of our journey into the city. Eric and Fischer really hit it off the moment they met just 2 days before at the airport! Eric rode in the back seat with Fischer (so Verena could navigate), and Fischer kept peering over and saying, "Hi, Eric. Whatcha doin?" or "Hey, Eric--how's it goin?"
When we got off of the train, we were in a jungle of big buildings!
Fischer fell asleep in his stroller not long after we began our city walk--despite all the noise and traffic! We headed to Millenium Park, where they have a huge jelly bean-shaped sculpture that is very popular with park visitors.
We walked along the water (another hot day!), and ultimately wanted to check out Navy Pier. Fischer preferred to ride most of the day with his stroller seat reclined.
He'd found his energy again (and I was pretty pooped!) by the time we got to Navy Pier. He refused to stay in the stroller, and instead DANCED the whole way down the Navy Pier walkway! He was quite the spectacle, and he had lots of people laughing.
There were lots of boats and people to see, along with lots of noisy seagulls. He was a happy boy despite only a half-hour nap in the stroller!
From the pier we had an awesome view of the city.
Another highlight for Fischer: we took a boat taxi from Navy Pier back to Union Station when the day was done.
Fischer thought it was so "Neat!" when we went under bridges--and there were quite a few!
It was a long, hot day, but we all had a lot of fun!
Here are the buildings near Union Station that look like corn on the cob. Pretty cool!
On Tuesday the 10th of August, it was time for a nice breakfast at the Patons' home together, and good-byes. Chris kept complimenting Fischer on what a good boy he was, and said as a tip to Verena and Eric, "It takes a lot of hard work to have a child that good." :)

Fischer enjoyed a bit of piano-playing before we left...
And, of course, we had to pose for a final group shot :) It had been about 2 years since Verena had seen Fischer in person. It was so nice to spend some time with her and to meet Eric. Fischer still talks about our time with them, and randomly says, "See Verena, Eric?" Fischer was really excellent company on our trip together! Despite a very messed-up nap schedule, and a variety of new environments to adjust to, he really enjoyed himself, and we enjoyed each other's company tremendously--even on long car rides ;) With our second child on the way, it may be awhile before we're up to another adventure like this one...so I'm glad we've had this experience!!!
Tuesday, August 10th, Fischer and I returned home to Joe, who was eager to embrace us and hear all about our travels. Wednesday, Kristy and I took the kids to Kavarna (our usual coffee day) and explored the Broadway farmers market after we ate dinner. We ran into our college friend and former roommate, Chad. We learned that he and his friend Chad have a resale shop on Broadway, "This & That" where they sell a variety of items--from modern to antique, collectibles to one-of-a-kinds. The Chads have a little farm just outside of Green Bay, and I asked if Fischer, Joe and I could stop by over the weekend to show Fischer the animals and to catch up.

Saturday, August 14th, we paid Chad a visit. His big Great Dane Samson was very interested in us! His back comes almost to Joe's waist! Samson could rest his head on top of Fischer's head! Fischer liked Sam, but Sam seemed to want to play, but also to make sure Fischer knew he was lower in the pack order--Fischer would run/walk away, looking over his shoulder for Sam to chase him. Sam would follow, and nudge Fischer and make chuffing noises--so Chad had to try and distract Sam with toys and I picked up Fischer and held him whenever I thought he might get knocked down.
They have a hammock swing (jealous!!) hung from a big tree in their yard. Fischer really enjoyed swinging in it. We had to limit our time, though, because Sam gets really excited when someone's riding in the swing--he kept trying to pounce/push with his front paws, and it quickly became too much because of his size. What a great back yard item, though!

In this pic, you can see me pushing Fischer (who's in the swing), and an excited Sam bounding in from the right.
Fischer loved the swing!
Next, we went to the barn to greet their 2 horses. Fischer went right up to their noses through the wire and said, "Hi, Horse. How's it goin?"

Chad brought the spotted horse (the calmer and more even-tempered of the 2) outside for us to pet and give a little food to. Fischer really liked him, but needed a lot of encouragement to pet his soft nose.
Fischer felt completely at ease checking the farm out. In addition to the dog and horses, they have a variety of chickens, some barn cats, and a couple of indoor cats. Fischer got to take a peek at the baby chicks ("Peep, peep! Chicks in there!"), but the chickens all ran away when we got close.
We gathered about a dozen eggs of various colors and sizes to take home with us. Fischer chose a favorite ("My egg--my own egg!") that he didn't let go of until we buckled him in his carseat for the ride home. It arrived intact, even though he must've dropped it about 3 times :)

In this pic, too, you can see his hair is growing back nicely. He's had the last of his summer buzz cuts for the year, now, so we're going to let his hair grow over the fall and see how it turns out the next time he needs it trimmed...It'll be thinner in that spot, but at least it's coming in!

Before we left, Chad invited us in to meet his new black kitten, BP (named after the oil spill!). When we could get Fischer's attention (there was a lot of stuff to explore), and catch the quick kitty, they seemed to enjoy meeting each other. :)
What a great couple of weeks this was!
Below, you see my prego profile pic--In this pic I'm 11 weeks, 4 days along. Still in regular clothes in my normal skinny size...In my second trip to the OB two days before this pic, Dr. Brown said I was right on track, having gained 3.4 lbs. It's tough to watch the scale go up after concentrating since last December for it to go down, but Dr. Brown said, "Let me worry about the numbers, not you." Grandpa Ken came with me to my appointment, and we were able to hear the baby's heart beat for the first time. "Perfect, strong, 170's," said Dr. Brown. It's so high in beats-per-minute because it's still so little.

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