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Thursday, November 11, 2010

October Fun 2010

Happy October, everyone!
The beginning of the month was marked with Joe returning to Facebook. Here's a nice pic of him and Fischer at our dining bar enjoying some cottage cheese. It was taken with the intent of becoming Joe's "profile pic", but it made it here instead :)

The second weekend of October, we joined Grandma Pam in Wisconsin Dells for a day-and-a-half just to get away. We walked "the strip" with all of its restaurants, fudge and t-shirt shops. We stopped in at a restaurant that had dining upstairs overlooking the street, anticipating that we'd return later for dinner.
They had some pretty neat bar stools--the one Fischer's on below has some sexy lady legs ;)
Here's a nice close-up!

The night of October 12th was our Halloween Open House at Bright Beginnings. With lots of help from Joe, I transformed into a Mummy!
You should've seen the looks I was getting as I drove from home to the daycare!
Fischer came with Joe later--they were a pizza man and a skeleton. What a cute family pic, huh?
With all the fun activities in every room, it was tough to get our little skeleton to sit for a photo of his own...but we got one :)
In the next pic I'm 20 weeks pregnant (half way there already!). This pic was taken two days before our ultrasound. NO--we didn't find out the baby's gender!!! Joe and "Crazy Neighbor Lady" Chris (who will hopefully be available to be my coach this time, as Kristy and Holly now have 2 kids each!) were there, too. Dr. Brown said baby's PERFECT :)
If you remember September's post, we took Fischer to our friend's pumpkin patch. Well, on the 22nd of October, it was time to carve away! Of our 3 pumpkins, which sat outside waiting for their carving, one got snacked on by squirrels and couldn't be salvaged. So we had two pumpkins to carve.
Fischer and I put aprons on, wiped the pumpkins down, and got ready... He was very interested to see me using the safety knife to cut them open, but Fischer didn't want any part of touching the pumpkins once we got started!
I hollowed them both out, saving the seeds to roast, of course, and carved mine, leaving Joe the other one to carve as he pleased.
Fischer really loved watching the pieces pop out as they were cut. He was so happy to see it turn into a Jack-O-Lantern once there was a candle inside and we turned the lights out!
In the pic below, I'm 21 1/2 weeks pregnant. Not a lot of time passed since the last pic, but I felt I was beginning to round out!
The night of Halloween, I stayed home to pass out cocoa packets to the trick-or-treaters...we had more this year than in years past. Those who wanted a treat got hot cocoa, those who wanted a trick got some foreign coins courtesy of Joe (ha ha---they were like "Money!!!").
Joe took Fischer trick-or-treating. This time, Fischer was a ghost. He began very reluctantly...
(you can see our pumpkins on either side of him, if you were wondering how Joe carved his!)
Below, the idea is sinking in, and Fischer's beginning to shake off his oppositional attitude...
Finally, we're happy and ready to go!!!
Joe said Fischer had a blast! They tagged along with the neighbors and their kids, and Joe held the bag so Fischer could grab candy with both hands :) He had to be encouraged to say trick-or-treat (as he'd knock ever-so-lightely on the door, and then whisper the phrase!), but finally yelled it at the last house :)
After a jaunt in our neighborhood, Joe took Fischer to see Grandma D and Grandpa Mike. On the way home, Fischer handed Joe his empty bag of M&Ms and said, "I'm all done with candy." Enough said :)
Now that we're in November, I've wrapped up my 4th of 6 courses toward my Wisconsin Early Childcare Administrator's Credential and will finish my 5th next week. I'll take the 6th and final course next summer (not gonna tackle it during my maternity leave!!!).
I'm feeling good and growing a lot these days, baby-wise. I still attend my Zumba class at the YMCA on Tuesdays and Thursdays. My diet isn't nearly as strict as it was up to this point, but my weight (with the exception of baby gain) seems to be on track so far :)
Joe is enjoying driving the kids to and from school again for the daycare, as well as picking up some part-time hours at Papa John's delivering pizzas. He's also taken on some Mr. Fix-It duties here and there at the center while our real Mr. Fix-It (our owner's dad) recovers from having a pacemaker put in.
Fischer is awesome. He's growing in mind and body daily. He says and does the cutest things, and has also become a bit demanding and whiney (he is 2 after all!). Joe and I marvel daily at the things he says--he wakes up smarter every day!

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