Please note the posting date above is when I BEGAN writing was actually put online April 12, 2010!
Hello, everyone! It has been much much too long since I last updated the blog--just waaaaay busy these days. I'll explain later...Here's what we've been up to!
Just after Christmas, we got a Wii game system. I'd been wanting to get into shape, and looked forward to using the Wii games as a fun way of getting some physical activity. Below, you can see Fischer enjoys watching us use it just as much as we enjoy playing it!

The first weekend of the new year, we celebrated Christmas with Grandpa Ken, Grace, Uncle Nate, Frances and Josiah at Grace's house in Tomahawk. Among a few other things, Fischer got his very own laptop!

Kristy and I have been doing our Wednesday coffee nights kid-free--the kids get time with their dads, and us girls get time to "cluck" instead of chasing rascally toddlers and taking princesses potty! Every once in awhile, we do get the kids together for a playdate so they get to see each other, too. That was the case with one coffee week we spent in Green Bay. Fischer and I had Kristy, Flora and Leo over to play.

They had a ball together and played so nice!

Fischer's getting so big! His speech has taken off even more, and sometimes his attitude is pretty big, too!

We've begun putting Fischer on the potty here and there. He sits best when it's in the livingroom. He either watches one of his favorite PBS shows, a movie, or we read books together.

Here, we're celebrating one of his successful potties! Woo hoo!

Joe and I took Fischer sledding for the first time on January 16th. We went to Fireman's Hill in Green Bay. He was reluctant to get his snow gear on, but quickly perked up when we got to the hill. He took turns going down the hill with me on the tube, with Joe on the tube, and with either of us pulling him on his little red sled.

Fischer had a blast, and we all got some good exercise!

On January 21st, Uncle Nate came to visit with Frances and Josiah and Josiah's cousin Joshua. The boys enjoyed watching a movie while the grown-ups talked and made dinner.

It was a fun visit, and Fischer did a great job sharing his toys.

At the end of January, Fischer had his 18 month checkup (although he was closer to 20 months old--he had a cold at 18 months and had to reschedule). He was at or above the 50th percentile for height, weight and head circumference.

I haven't had my camera out as much as I should, so there aren't any February pics. There was, however, some *unwanted* excitement in February...After a fun night playing fantastically with other kids at the Enz's for Kristy's birthday potluck, Fischer spiked a temp and ended up having another febrile seizure. It lasted one scary minute, and we rode in the ambulance at about midnight that night to the E.R. He was fine, but Joe and I were sure scared! Turned out to be his first ear infection. Now there are special instructions posted for Fischer in his classroom at daycare. If he has a temp of 100, they must strip him down to his diaper, apply cool cloths to help get him cooled off, and immeidately adminsiter Ibuprofen or Tylenol.

Hopefully he never has a seizure again, but just in case, Joe and I are not going to hesitate to strip him down and give him meds if he begins to get a temperature--no more "wait and see!"
We had a laid-back Valentine's Day weekend. Fischer helped Joe make me a card (using my stamping stuff!) and they gave me a pretty charm bracelet.
The week of Feb. 22nd, Joe and Fischer began swimming lessons together at the YMCA. Something just for Papa and Fischer to enjoy together. When I ask Joe how it went each week, it's hard to tell who enjoys it more!!!

March is gone, and now it's April. Fischer's already 22 months old! Every day he gets closer to 2, the more he gives us a glimpse of his budding attitude. He definitely takes after me, there! Stubborn and a quick temper/tears. He amazes us daily with his smarts--Joe says he wakes up smarter every day :) Fischer's repeating most anything we say (can't let anything "slip"...), he's a whiz with shapes and identifying animals and their sounds, and he can identify the letters in his name and then some (Thanks, Fridge Phonics!). He absolutely LOVES books and being read to, and he also enjoys the educational shows on PBS like Curious George, SuperWhy!, and Sid the Science Kid.
Even though Fischer is such a smarty pants, we still experience plenty of frustration in the times he can't express himself to be understood, as well as the times his wishes go against our rules. He's not a big fan of anyone telling him he can't do something, or to stop doing something!
I'll post another entry soon. We've been getting outdoors more, and so has the camera :) I'm extra busy these days with school, Holly off on maternity leave, full-time work, and just life in general!