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Monday, January 4, 2010

Fischer's 1 1/2! Leading Up to Christmas, 2009 that the busy holiday time is at an end, maybe I can get a little blogging caught up! This entry is a summing up of December happenings. Look for a new video of Fischer playing with some packaging paper on the Fisch Finder. Our neighbor, Chris, took the pic below on December 8th, a few days after Fischer turned 1 1/2. We were watching a TV show together.
Fischer's been showing interest in cartoons--especially those with familiar characters (like Elmo...whom I do not care for...grrr!). Neighbor Chris took some time on December 11th to show Fischer a little something on the computer.
The evening of December 12th, a bunch of us got together to go to the Green Bay Botanical Gardens for their annual Garden of Lights. It was the way we kind of celebrated my birthday this year. Uncle Nate was with us, as well as Frances and Josiah. Neighbors Chris and Taylor came, too! We began with a long wait in the NWTC parking lot to ride on a school bus to the gardens. Fischer was good about being all bundled up, and we had our snowpants and all on, too, so the cold wasn't much of a concern. After we let him run around as much as we could, and it seemed as though the bus would never come, it turned into a sing-along as we sang Christmas carols and "The Wheels on the Bus" to keep him (and the rest of our line of waiting people) entertained! Finally, the bus arrived.
The whole bus ride (on my lap), Fischer exclaimed "Bus! Bus!" It must've been a thrill, too to see the sights while not strapped into a carseat! When we arrived at the entrance to the gardens, we met up with Frances, Josiah and Nate. There, we had to wait about 15 minutes more to get our tickets and get out on the other side to see the lights. Boy were there lots of people!
Below, you can see how excited (and bundled up) the boys were!
I played papparazzi and made Taylor get her picture taken with me. Doesn't she look thrilled?
It was hard to capture the pretty sights with or without a flash, so I just picked some of the photos that turned out the best. Here, a gazebo is decked out.
In this picture, a dragon is lit up on the top of a hill.
Check out this lovely archway (Nate and Chris on the far left). How pretty!
His expression doesn't show it here, but Fischer was excited to see all the "pretty" lights..."wow!" Here we are with Uncle Nate.
Didn't you think of spiders and their webs as Christmas decor? Me either...but they were cool!
Finally, enough of the running ahead and trying to get the best shot. We had someone take this group pic of us in front of this tall "tree"--it had over 3,000 lights! From left to right: front row Josiah (age 2 1/2), Fischer (age 1 1/2), back row: Chris and Taylor Casperson, Val, Nate & Frances.
On Thursday, December 17th, we had our annual Holiday Open House at Bright Beginnings with a visit from Santa. We were unsure how Fischer'd do with the man in red, because he's been slow to warm up to others. If you think about it, we teach children to stay away from strangers, but encourage them to sit on Santa's lap...who is almost always a stranger, and in a suit and big beard!!!
You can see Frances on the left as one of Santa's "elves". Fischer's near Santa while the other children are taking turns on his lap. He got brave enough, while Santa was distracted, to reach out and touch the bells on Santa's knee...
Then Santa saw him--look at that face!
When the other little girl got down, Fischer surprised us all by walking up to Santa with his arms up and saying "Up?" Santa hoisted him right up and I got two quick shots before the moment was over.
Next time I'm on the blog, I'll be sure to update with our Christmas stories and more pics. Hope everyone had fun and safe holidays! I'm glad the season of tempting food is over! Since November 30th, I've been completely and drastically changing my eating habits. It's not a "diet," it's a lifestyle change. I've lost 10 lbs. already, and I feel terrific! I no longer attend Curves--my body has "outgrown" the's not challenged enough anymore. So, today was my first day working out at the Y. It kicked my butt! I guess that's the way to get in shape is to notice that you're out of shape :) Take care!