On Saturday, November 7th, Fischer enjoyed a lunch of noodles prepared by Papa. There's a video of him eating on the Fisch Finder. He loves noodles. In fact, that's one of his favories right now, along with pizza and CEREAL! We've found, though, that pepperoni and some other meats tend to upset his stomach :( But pineapple pizza is still a hit! In the Fisch Finder noodle video Fischer's eating just before his nap, so it looks like he'll nod off mid-noodle-slurp!

This past Monday (Nov. 30), I began two new things: I began a special detox diet/supplement program for myself to get healthier in general and start my eating habits anew, and putting Fischer down to sleep without rocking him all the way to sleep (and leaving him when he wakes at night). Both are going really well! Though, I'm getting tired of eating only fruits and veggies...I've lost 5 lbs. this first week. That's encouraging!!! Also, Fischer's learning to get himself back to sleep...should've done this long ago--it just breaks your heart when he cries! Hmmm, I guess I'd rather feel sympathetic for him while staying in my own bed! He's doing great with it, though. The new bedtime routine is just the ticket :)
Yesterday (Dec. 4th) while we were both at daycare, it SNOWED! Fischer got to try out his snowpants for the first time. We got lots of complements on the yellow ("You won't lose HIM in a snowstorm!"). Fischer's boots turned out to be too narrow to get his foot into without a major struggle and lots of tears (on his behalf), so we left his shoes on. He was quite tearful while getting dressed, but was ALL SMILES once he saw the "NO!!!" Below, he's on the playground with one of his friends, Caleb.
I caught him mid-wave. He's such a camera dude!

Well, Joe, Fischer and I hope this entry finds you all healthy and happy. A belated Happy Thanksgiving, and a joyous holiday season to you all!
We're still poor (and will be for some time) from our kitchen project, so please don't get us anything fancy for Christmas, as we cannot reciprocate this year. As for Fischer, he's all set for clothes up to size 2T (which he won't be in for awhile, as he's just a little bit height-challenged!). And he's pretty much set for toys. If you want to get him anything, he could use a set of wooden play-doh toys (like the brand Melissa & Doug at The Mom & Pop Place in Neenah), a booster chair for sitting at the table (maybe one with a seatbelt), a boys' potty chair (nothing scary that takes batteries, please), wooden puzzles with shapes/animals/etc. that have knobs on the pieces...As I think of more things, I'll be sure to add them to an entry.
Until next time...take care and lots of love!!!