Well, well, well. Our little man is already 9 months old!!! He continues to amaze us daily with his "baby tricks".
We had a bit of a rough time last weekend, March 6-8, because overnight, Fischer was waking up sometimes 3 times per hour!!! At least it was the weekend. On Saturday night, I said at one point to myself, because Joe gets to sleep through all the ups and downs, "He'd better have a tooth to show for all of this!" And, sure enough, tooth number 8, to the right of his bottom middle teeth, made its appearance above the gum line on Sunday.
Recent weeks at work have been stressful, too, due to low staffing (*we're hiring*--so send your friendly, responsible applicants!). Tuesday was going to be the mother of all tough days. At 5:30am, I walked into Fischer's room to greet him as usual. He rolled over and coughed, but instead of a loose phlegmy cough like it usually is when he's teething, it sounded tight like a seal bark, and he looked just as surprised as I must've and then began to cry. It sounded like he would have a sore throat to accompany it, too. Poor guy! So I nursed him, which went fine, but it seemed as though he was laboring to breathe--his chest was heaving up and down. Afterward, while I was changing his clothes, I called his doctor's office. After explaining his symptoms to at least 3 different people, I finally got ahold of the nurse. She told me what I should do (which is what I
thought I should do, anyway, but wanted to know what would happen next or whether he should be seen, etc.). She had us take him into the bathroom with the hot shower on and give him a breathing treatment. If we didn't see improvement, we were supposed to give him another treatment, and if that didn't work, he'd have to go to the ER--**scary!! But she said they'd call us in 45 min. to see how things were going. So I got Joe up and I jumped in the shower--had to take one anyway--and he gave Fischer the albuterol with his nebulizer while sitting in the bathroom with me. Thank goodness the first treatment and steam did the trick. The nurse called back, I filled her in, and she said to keep him out of daycare for the day and have him seen by his doctor.
Joe said I should be the one to take him to the doctor because I was better at describing his symptoms, etc. I said that it was going to be a TOUGH day at daycare, and that if I wasn't there, that he'd have to go and "be me" the best he could--hopping in to help wherever Holly asked him to. So he did! Joe ended up helping in the 5-year-old classroom for the morning. The other teacher in the room made sure to tell me what a great job Joe did and that his help was welcome anytime. That's great, because Joe came away from the experience with a whole new appreciation for what teachers do, and vowed he'd never work in a classroom again. Meanwhile, I continued with Fischer's day, waiting for our appointment at 10. Thankfully, he was able to see his regular doctor.
He was great all morning. I was even able to get his coat and hat on him while he was at the tail-end of his morning nap, and he fell back asleep on the way to see the doctor. She said to continue giving him breathing treatments 2-3 times daily, and that his chest sounded "coarse" but not like pneumonia or anything more than a "virus aggravated by the change in weather". She said we did all the right things for him, and that she couldn't have suggested we do anything better. She said, too, that it was a good idea to keep him home that day. Dr. Hoyer said that Fischer was cleared to return in 2 days for his 9 month check-up as long as he didn't get any worse or get a fever.

Well, Fischer has been responding well to 2 treatments a day (morning & evening), although by the time morning rolls around, he does really need one. So I imagine it'll continue for at least a week. At his check-up yesterday, he was 29 inches tall (75th percentile), 19 lbs. 4 oz. (25th percentile), and his head circumference was 46 centimeters (50th-75th percentile). He's tall and skinny. His drop in the percentile for weight is expected, she said, because of how mobile he's become--he's working off more calories. Dr. Hoyer said we're right on track with the sippy cup and table foods, and to stay the course. He only got one poke for shots, and had a blood draw from his finger to test his iron levels and to check for lead. Fischer got upset during the blood draw--first the poke, and then he couldn't shake the band-aid off his finger. He fell asleep on the way home with the sun in his eyes--poor guy.
Later, while Fischer and I were having a late lunch, we heard the back door open. It was too early for Joe to be home. It was Grandpa Ken! Fischer was surprised but took it all in stride as we finished lunch. Grandpa and Fischer played and laughed and had airplane rides--a favorite from my childhood. Then Grandpa came along with me and Fischer to my haircut appointment. I go every 6 weeks (it's like therapy for me), and the last time I brought Fischer, he was 3 weeks old and sleeping all the time in his car seat! So Angela, my stylist, insisted last time that I bring him this time! Well, it's a good thing Grandpa was along, because the girl at the salon who volunteered to occupy Fischer was busy with clients while we were there. It only took a half-hour, and Fischer was content peeking at me in the mirror, spinning in the chair on Grandpa's lap, and just taking everything in.
Next the 3 of us went to Chili's for dinner (Joe had to work). So Grandpa went in and got a table while I nursed Fischer in the car. When we were all seated, Fischer was happy to occupy himself by paging through the drink menu and trying to eat the coasters. I had packed his dinner--good thing, because all of the finger foods we offered him ended up on the floor. He ate GREAT! He is very very good restaurant company. I think he enjoys all of the activity and people around him.
When we got home, it wasn't long before Joe was back with us. We all played for awhile and then it was bedtime. Quite a busy day--good thing I had taken off of work :)
I didn't mention in my last blog entry that Fischer's been talking up a storm. He babbles almost non-stop. He says Mama and Dada (of course now that Joe's decided he wants to be "Papa"), and for awhile, Fischer was even saying Kitty (sounds kind of like "dee dee")--very cute! He's also pulling himself up on everything, though he's not cruising along furniture, yet. I got him a ride-on car that converts into a push toy (for when he's ready to take more steps). He loves it.