The first couple of weeks of 2009 have been about staying warm and avoiding boredom! The other day, I even brought Fischer's stroller upstairs and wheeled him around for a change of pace.

Schmooze hopped in the basket under the stroller. At first I didn't notice he was there, because he peacefully strolled around with us. He must've been bored, too!

Fischer and I even decided to go to East Towne Mall to walk around one Sunday evening. He loved watching people go by, and really enjoyed all of the colors of the clothes. We walked from Kohl's, where we got the stroller cart, out into the rest of the mall before I realized that the mall was closing. Unfortunately, we couldn't go back the way we'd come, so we had a long cold walk back to the car. Oh well--it kept us busy for awhile! Fischer has recently "graduated" to the next carseat. He's no longer in his "bucket", but rather in the seat that stays in the car. So it's taking me awhile to get used to loading my arms up differently with him and all of our stuff. He's slippery in his snowsuit, too!

On Monday, January 12th, Fischer got his first accident report from daycare. Maybe you can see the faint red mark above his right eyebrow--he was clobbered by one of his classmates with a plastic cauliflower--ouch! I guess he cried pretty hard--more from surprise and hurt feelings than from pain. But, as you can see, it wasn't bothering him later!

Today at daycare, Fischer's 3rd tooth finally began to emerge! It is the left top middle tooth. No pics for awhile until it's come down more--I learned from our first teeth 2 months ago--it's futile to try and get a shot until he's ready to show it! We've kept an eye there for awhile--as those gums have been pretty puffy and sore-looking. He's also been breaking away from nursing or his bottle to curl his tongue up over his top gums to suck on them. He had a fever off and on a couple days this week, and it seems that Tylenol was the trick to get evening relief from his sore/weird-feeling gums. We took him in to see Dr. Hoyer Wednesday because with his fever, and his cough getting a little more frequent, we wanted to make sure it was just teething. She checked his ears ("perfect"), and listened to his lungs. Since there's a lot of pneumonia going around, Dr. Hoyer ordered a "pulse-ox" to be sure Fischer's blood had enough oxygen in it ("passed 100%"), and also a chest x-ray because she heard a little bit of noise high up in his lungs ("looked excellent, all clear"). So he's a healthy teething boy.
At daycare, Fischer's been offered pretty much what all of the other kids get served for meals. It's so much fun to walk in and see him trying noodles, bread, green beans, oranges, yogurt, you name it! I hear he's a good sport, too about trying new foods. He still mainly eats his mushy foods with cereal and of course breastmilk, but he's on his way to more! As it is, he eats best at home when we eat with him :) Now I've been giving him bits of my dinner chopped up on his tray. 
Here he is playing in a tunnel at daycare with his teacher, Ms. Diane. It was his first time in the tunnel, and I hear he got upset when tunnel play was over :) He loves being at daycare--they keep him in a good routine and he likes all of the activity and people around him.

It is pretty exhausting, though!