Happy Solstice, Merry Christmas, and a joyous holiday season to you and yours! Fischer makes an adorable addition to Santa's team of reindeer :) He liked the headband--he could see it out of the corner of his eye so he kept tilting his head back to try and get a better look at it.
Here's a current family pic, too :) We're all very fashionable in our jammies.
Fischer continues to be interested in the kitties. They're tolerant of his random grabs and slaps, if they're lucky enough to get within his reach! You can see how red Joe's beard is--Fischer's hair continues to fill in, and it's staying a nice strawberry blonde.
The other night when Mike and Chris visited us from nextdoor (aka the Crazy Neighbor Lady and her Husband), they had their holiday headgear on. It was a very festive atmosphere--it was hard to get a good photo because everyone was laughing so hard!
Fischer stays sitting up on his own, now. He occupies himself sometimes in his crib, turning his jungle soother off and on by hitting the button...until he tips over by accident, then he just hits the button with one of his feet! He grabs at anything that catches his eye that might be in his reach.
I think he's teething, again, because his appetite is reminiscent of October, when he would drink very little for them at daycare. Despite this, he nurses well for me when we're together, and eats his fruits and veggies like a champ. He thinks he's too cool for bottles, too, because what little his teachers can get him to drink, they give him from a sippy cup. His 'productive' cough continues, but it comes and goes throughout the day. Hopefully we'll have some new teeth early in the new year!
Fischer has begun to wimper a little when I walk out of his classroom, too. He does the same thing when I enter his classroom and don't pay him attention--if I just have a quick message or question for his teachers. At home he doesn't seem to mind when I am in and out of the room he's in. We'll have to see if that changes soon!
Fischer can officially roll in both directions, now. He was hanging out with me in the office at work one day--I was trying to give him a break because there were lots of sick kids in his room, and his teachers needed to clean up a yucky mess at the time. I spread out my sweatshirt on the floor and gave him an empty water bottle to play with. He tossed it to the side and rolled right over to get it. I noticed when one of the teachers saw him and exclaimed "Oh, what're you doing?!" He was on his belly, but was struggling a bit with his arm awkwardly pinned to his side--he had put it down to roll and was having trouble getting it out in front of him. But he did it! One evening recently when I went to Appleton to have coffee night with Kristy, Joe and Fischer were home together and Joe settled in to watch him roll. When I was on the highway about half way to Kristy's, Joe called and said, "He just dropped that shoulder and rolled right over! Gotta go. Bye." :)
Fischer is very observant of all that is around him. He's very ticklish and quick to laugh and smile. We can't believe he's gonna be 7 months soon!